
What is the PDCA Cycle and How to Use It in Your Quality Management

What is the PDCA Cycle and How to Use It in Your Quality Management

The PDCA cycle is a four-step model for managing the continuous improvement of organizational processes and products. Also known as the Deming Cycle or Shewhart Cycle, it plays a crucial role in the functioning of lean manufacturing systems and the Toyota production method. Like any good acronym, each letter of the cycle carries part of … <a href="https://blog-cms.softexpert.com:8080/en/what-is-pdca-cycle/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "What is the PDCA Cycle and How to Use It in Your Quality Management"</span></a>

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O que é a Metodologia 8S e como aplicá-la na sua organização

What is the 8S Methodology and How to Apply It in Your Organization

The 8S methodology is an evolution of the 5S program aimed at enhancing the qualities of the popular workplace organization and cleanliness method. It adopts the same five senses of the original program but introduces three new elements to improve teamwork, reduce waste, and increase employee training. According to Dr. José Abrantes, a PhD in … <a href="https://blog-cms.softexpert.com:8080/en/8s-methodology/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "What is the 8S Methodology and How to Apply It in Your Organization"</span></a>

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How to Implement Six Sigma and Achieve Operational Excellence in Your Company

Six Sigma consists of a series of techniques and tools to improve an organization’s processes by reducing their variability. This is done through empirical and statistical quality management methods with the help of specialists in the methodology. Implementing the technique has the potential to increase profits, improve employee morale, and enhance a company’s products or … <a href="https://blog-cms.softexpert.com:8080/en/six-sigma/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "How to Implement Six Sigma and Achieve Operational Excellence in Your Company"</span></a>

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Action Plan Models: What They Are and Best Examples

Action Plan Models: What They Are and Best Examples

An action plan is a document that lists all the necessary steps to achieve your project’s goals. It should include the essential tasks and resources to turn a goal into reality. The action plan is useful during the planning and execution phases of a project, as it also documents the tasks performed during this process. … <a href="https://blog-cms.softexpert.com:8080/en/action-plan-models/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Action Plan Models: What They Are and Best Examples"</span></a>

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auditoria e compliance

Audit and Compliance: everything you need to know

Audit and compliance go hand in hand, but they are not the same. Compliance encompasses all policies and procedures created for a company to comply with laws, regulations, and standards (both external and internal). On the other hand, auditing is verifying whether all of this is functioning correctly. Thus, it helps identify irregularities and areas … <a href="https://blog-cms.softexpert.com:8080/en/audit-and-compliance/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Audit and Compliance: everything you need to know"</span></a>

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