New solution to external users training programs

New solution to external users training programs

Published in April 6th, 2020

Around the world, there are corporations creating external users training programs for companies and professionals. It is very common for external teams to participate in frequent review and validation of these systems’ procedures and rules. This means the quality, efficiency and compliance of operations can be maintained.

SoftExpert Training’s new version 2.1.2 provides a way to control the distribution of courses and training for companies and external user professionals. This conveniently allows portals to be created with specific courses and training, providing access to third parties through an exclusive username and password. External teams can therefore gain access to internal training provided by the company, ensuring that organizations can more safely control course availability.

How the Training Portal works for external users

Training portals for companies can be managed on the SoftExpert Suite platform, facilitating access controls for external training users. This update allows organizations to make their courses available on customizable portals. The company is able to control all access by external teams, partners and even individuals who are interested in corporate training. The organization can control external user access, allowing these users to:

  • Take courses
  • Access training
  • Consult information and materials
  • Track learning trails


Certifying that external professionals comply with the company’s regulatory requirements and procedures ensures that organizations are able to guarantee quality and efficiency anywhere. By doing this, standards can be maintained in decentralized operations.

The solution is now more comprehensive, allowing training to reach the general public, as customers and “non-customers.” This adds value to the company, allowing its capabilities reach other groups, segments and markets. The organization can therefore consolidate its authority, sharing its knowledge with safety and quality.

About the author
Raphael Gonçalves Arias

Raphael Gonçalves Arias

Analista de Marketing de Produto da SoftExpert, Raphael Arias tem mais de 8 anos de experiência na indústria de TI. Atuou com consultoria e implantação de soluções SaaS em empresas do setor de logística e gerenciamento de riscos. É graduado em Sistemas de Informação e possui MBA em Marketing.

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