What is GFSI and what is its role in food safety

What is GFSI and what is its role in food safety

Published in March 18th, 2025

GFSI is the acronym for the Global Food Safety Initiative. This is the name given to a global collaboration of food industry stakeholders. This organization aims to promote continuous improvement in food safety management systems throughout the supply chain.

Keep reading to find out how this organization became a global reference on the subject. Today, it is seen as a kind of “seal of quality” for the main standards in the sector.

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What is GFSI and how did it come about?

The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) was created in response to a growing concern about food safety. Several incidents and crises highlighted the need for more robust and consistent controls to ensure that the food made available to consumers is safe for consumption.

Therefore, GFSI was created in the 2000s, driven by leaders in the food industry, mainly through the Consumer Goods Forum. In common, all members sought to establish a global standard for food safety programs.

Thus, the organization that seeks to promote continuous improvement and standardization of audit and certification processes emerges, facilitating international trade and increasing consumer confidence. To this end, GFSI works in partnership with companies, governments and other civil society organizations to achieve its mission around the world.

In practice, the Global Food Safety Initiative works by evaluating and recognizing food safety certification schemes that meet rigorous and internationally harmonized criteria. In addition, GFSI annually promotes the Global Food Safety Initiative Conference, an event that brings together food industry leaders, technology experts and policymakers to discuss news and measures within the segment.

More recently, the institution has focused on measures of sustainability and supply chain resilience. The objective of these climate intelligence actions is to make the sector more resilient to climate change. In the agriculture and food sector, the brand sought to increase the availability of nutritious food by 50% and, at the same time, reduce greenhouse gas emissions emitted by the sector by 50%.

GFSI has also been encouraging the adoption of digital technologies for remote/partially remote audits, in a movement that began during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What are the objectives of GFSI?

The Global Food Safety Initiative’s mission is “safe food for all people everywhere”. To turn this desire into a reality, the organization has four main objectives that guide its actions. They are:

  • Raising safety standards: Encouraging continuous improvement of systems and practices to ensure that food is safe to eat. 
  • Harmonization of certification schemes: Align the different certification programs and standards around the world, facilitating comparison and mutual recognition between the various options to create a quality standard. 
  • International trade facilitation: Promote global acceptance of food safety standards, which helps reduce trade barriers and increases confidence among consumers and business partners. 
  • Fostering multisectoral collaboration: Bringing together governments, industries, certifiers, and other stakeholders to share best practices, experiences, and innovations that contribute to robust and transparent food safety. 

GFSI Objectives

These objectives reflect GFSI’s mission and help structure the organization’s actions to create an environment where food safety is continuously improved through consistent and collaborative practices on a global scale.

What is GFSI certification?

This is a very common confusion. Unlike other entities (such as ISO, for example), GFSI does not develop its own quality and safety standards. What it does is precisely recognize and approve the certifications and standards created by other organizations.

To this end, the initiative provides a framework for comparing certification schemes and identifying those that meet its benchmarking criteria. Thus, it promotes a risk prevention approach in companies, rather than just responding to incidents. That is why it is important to choose a scheme approved by the initiative – which, therefore, meets the requirements of global markets.

Learn more: What is the difference between ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000? 

What standards are recognized by GFSI?

As you’ve already seen, a GFSI certification is not actually a standard, but a set of internationally recognized guidelines.

GFSI recognizes Certification Program Certificates (CPCs) that meet the initiative’s Benchmarking Requirements. It currently recognizes the following CPCs:

  • CanadaGAP;
  • Freshcare;
  • Global Red Meat Standard;
  • Global Seafood Alliance;
  • GLOBALG. A.P.;
  • GRMA;
  • IFS International Featured Standards;
  • Japan Food Safety Management Association;
  • Japan GAP Foundation;
  • PrimusGFS Standard;
  • SQF.

CPOs reconized by GFSI

Why does your company need to have GFSI-recognized certifications?

Companies that implement GFSI-approved standards demonstrate that they are committed to food safety. In addition, they have more confidence that their products will be qualified, safe and compliant with the most relevant industry standards around the world.

As a result, companies gain access to new markets, receive greater international acceptance from certified suppliers, reduce their costs, acquire consumer trust and obtain a standardized and secure operation.

Learn more about the main benefits of adopting GFSI certifications:

Credibility and trust

The certification demonstrates that the company adopts rigorous food practices, such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) in all recognized standards. This generates greater confidence from consumers and business partners.

Gain access to international markets

In many markets, buyers require suppliers to have certifications that align with global standards. Therefore, certification opens doors to new markets and facilitates international trade. 

Reduce risk 

By following the recommended industry standards and best practices, your company can reduce the risk of contamination and food safety issues, which helps avoid recalls, financial losses, and damage to your credibility. 

Strengthen regulatory compliance 

Many national and international regulations are based on standards that are aligned with GFSI criteria. In this way, certification helps your company achieve compliance with fundamental and widely applied legal requirements. 

Supporting actions for continuous improvement of processes 

The certification process often includes audits and reviews that encourage continuous improvement of processes and the implementation of more efficient management practices. In other words, to achieve and maintain its certification, the company must constantly seek to improve, and this culture spreads to all areas of the company. 

With all this, the certifications recognized by GFSI not only raise internal safety and quality standards but also add value to the business on the global stage. 

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What are the steps for companies to align with GFSI?

Companies can align with GFSI by adopting a structured approach that involves understanding the requirements of the initiative and implementing robust food safety management systems. 

Follow the steps below and learn how to ensure that your company has all the benefits of adopting the good practices and standards indicated by the Global Food Safety Initiative. 

  1. Study the recognized requirements and schemes

Knowing the standards and certification schemes recognized by the GFSI, for example, is the first step in understanding what is required by the initiative. This allows the company to choose the most appropriate path according to its reality to adapt to the global food safety criteria required. 

  1. Implement a Food Safety Management System:

Then, it is time to develop and implement a system that covers the principles of HACCP, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and other procedures that ensure food quality and safety. 

  1. Conduct internal audits and training

Going through periodic audits helps to identify and correct any flaws in the system created in the previous step. In addition, investing in training for the team is essential to ensure that everyone knows and applies the necessary practices. 

  1. Obtain certifications from recognized bodies

After the implementation and internal validation of the processes, the company must seek the most appropriate certification for its sector and region with bodies that offer programs aligned with GFSI standards. This certification not only proves compliance with international requirements but also strengthens the company’s credibility in the market. 

  1. Monitoring and continuous improvement

Finally, remember that alignment with GFSI is a process of continuous improvement. Therefore, it is important to maintain a system for monitoring and reviewing processes. Thus, the company can implement constant improvements and adapt to new requirements or best practices in the sector that arise in the future. 

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Understanding the trajectory and role of GFSI, as well as the objectives and requirements of the certifications approved by this initiative, is essential for companies that want to stand out in the global food safety landscape. 

You now know the history and development of the Global Food Safety Initiative and the strategic importance of the certifications it recognizes. Compliance with these standards can boost consumer confidence, facilitate access to international markets, and promote continuous improvements in your internal processes. 

Given this scenario, investing in technological solutions for quality and compliance management in the food and beverage industry becomes a key piece to meet and exceed the rigorous GFSI standards. 

With SoftExpert’s solutions, you have everything you need to implement robust processes, automate and simplify the management of quality controls and succeed in audits. Thus, in addition to ensuring compliance with global best practices, your company positions itself competitively and is prepared for the challenges and opportunities of an increasingly demanding market. 

Our experts can help identify the best strategies for your business. Find out how to make your operations more efficient and compliant. Contact us today! 

About the author
Guilherme Not

Guilherme Not

Journalist and Content Marketing Analyst at SoftExpert

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