Data management is an activity that is essential to success at any company. SoftExpert Analytics lets organizations identify trends and patterns in data behavior that had seemed indecipherable, easily combining different sources of information, regardless of size or complexity, all in a single view.
In addition, all results can now be published to interactive portals, providing visual analyses in real time.
Aimed at facilitating and further streamlining and simplifying this management, version 2.1.7 of the tool will now feature editing of integrated views directly through portals.
Ease and Speed
How will it work? Starting with this new version, Analytics views can be edited directly through the portal where they are published. This functionality facilitates a task that used to be done through an external window.
Now it is even easier to manage your data, which helps you and your company to be more efficient and make the right decisions faster.
Like it? Then update your version of SoftExpert Suite now and start taking using these and other advancements!
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