Visually manage your processes using the Control Panel

Visually manage your processes using the Control Panel

Publié dans 23 de June de 2016

Now you can manage processes under your responsibility in a more visual way, using the new SE Workflow Control Panel.

With the Control Panel you can present information about your processes in groups (Synthetic) or in a list (Analytical), highlighting activities behind schedule, close to deadline and on schedule.

control panel

The activities are presented in ample detail, including the names of those responsible for their execution. In addition to the view provided, you have a quick access menu to change the activity executor, deadlines or even execute tasks on the same screen.

Another SE Suite innovation to help you achieve management excellence.

Marcelo Becher

Marcelo Becher

Spécialiste en gestion stratégique par PUC-PR. Business et analyste de marché chez SoftExpert, un fournisseur de logiciels et de services pour l’automatisation et l’amélioration des processus d’affaires, la conformité réglementaire et la gouvernance d’entreprise.

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