Thinking about how your company can be more competitive? Read this article and learn more about the main benefits of business process automation.
Business process automation directly impacts on business success, but, at the same time, there is an incongruity. A large part of the market still uses processes based on e-mails, spreadsheets, or even paper.
To this end, technology helps improve productivity. In addition to facilitating control, process automation enables organizations to quickly adapt their workflows, whether due to new customer demands or changes in legislation.
Learn more about some of the benefits for your company that business process automation offers.
1. Standardization of workflows
One of the main advantages of automated processes is standardization. Workflows carried out in the same manner generate higher quality results, are easier to control, and allow for economy of scale. They also provide leaders with a clear view of the progress of activities.
Standardization also reduces errors, which contributes positively to productivity and the evolution of results.
2. Cost reduction
Automated workflows require fewer resources to run. As mentioned earlier, they also reduce errors and, consequently, rework. This results in processes that are less expensive, generating more profit for companies.
3. Increased security
Handling information in spreadsheets, e-mails or on paper compromises the integrity and security of the processes. Automation increases the effectiveness of workflows and reduces the likelihood of problems. More robust and reliable data also serve as an input to inform and facilitate decision making.
4. Greater control
Processes are often spread across multiple tools. This way, they are slower and harder to control. With automation, they can be centralized in a single platform, giving management greater control and providing real-time monitoring.
5. Absolute clarity
Automation prevents external agents from influencing processes. It also discourages the manipulation of results, preventing them from causing any harm or loss for the company. In situations that require process auditing, transparency helps to elucidate the facts.
6. Greater productivity and competitiveness
The standardization and automation of processes reduces bureaucracy and ensures that activities are executed in less time. The exchange of information between different departments becomes faster and more accurate, reducing rework. And, finally, all these factors favor competitiveness and ensure the company a prominent position in the market.
Now that you know more about the benefits of process automation, you should also get to know SoftExpert’s process management platform. SoftExpert BPM is a software solution that manages all stages of the process lifecycle, from modeling and optimization to automation, execution and monitoring. The solution allows people to work more efficiently, improves the orchestration of complex processes and supports business objectives with real-time information.