With just a single tool you can create, apply and measure the results of courses and training, from beginning to end of the process.

Managers focused on results know that the development of professionals can provide incredible gains to an organization, and investing in knowledge and skills management can be a critical factor for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. But doing this in an agile and efficient manner is not always an easy task.

Often, the activities involved in providing training and in the management of skills are divided among several processes and even “scattered” among different tools.

To solve this problem, SE Training offers a novelty: an integrated e-learning platform.

The tool that already provides solutions for planning, managing and evaluating the effectiveness of training, now also offers a complete Distance Learning (DL) structure directly from SE Suite.

Using a single tool you can create, apply and measure the results of courses and training from the beginning to end of the process. And better still: everything is integrated with the IDP (Individual Development Plan) of the collaborator and with all the participant controls, deadlines and content.

Cursos -> Treinamento -> Player de Conteúdo -> Teste -> Análise de Resultados

The courses are offered to collaborators through the Student Portal, listed according to the needs of their managers and/or the Training Needs Matrix (TNM).

In addition to the mandatory courses, the collaborator can also enroll in available courses of interest, providing freedom and autonomy for professional development.

Exemplo de cursos disponíveis

The tool features a user-friendly interface, which includes estimation and progress metrics to encourage the collaborator to complete the training.

Exemplo de um treinamento em andamento

Its content player supports audio, video, image, text and files in the SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) format – a standard widely used in e-learning tools.

Exemplo de um player de conteúdos de um treinamento

At the end of each training, you can evaluate the student with SE Test, which helps managers to administer online tests, calculate scores and communicate them immediately.

Exemplo de aplicação de uma avaliação utilizando o SE Questionário

In addition, the student can issue their certificates and attach them to their corporate profile or curriculum vitae.

Thiago Vieira


Thiago Vieira

Arquiteto de Informação e Designer de Interação na SoftExpert. Pós-graduando em Design Centrado no Usuário pela UniPositivo.

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