SoftExpert Meeting: The modern solution for Corporate Meetings

SoftExpert Meeting: The modern solution for Corporate Meetings

Publié dans 16 de September de 2019

Organizing corporate meetings involves multiple factors, such as setting dates, allocating participants and defining topics to be covered (digital minutes).

Whether it’s customer, project, or process change issues, business meetings are a part of everyday life at organizations. But who hasn’t left a meeting feeling they had some unclear takeaways?

The reality is that without a solution to help in corporate meeting management, a substantial amount of time is spent on discussion; and in the end no exact decisions have been made. Bad time management can end up affecting other processes.

how to company meetings

If your company wants to manage meetings more easily, keep reading because in this post we will cover a new SoftExpert Suite solution that will make corporate meetings way simpler and much more efficient.

What is SoftExpert Meeting?

SoftExpert Meeting is a software for planning, coordinating and controlling meetings. The solution has features to optimize tasks, such as definition of subjects to be addressed, which are then separated by duration and person accountable, filling in decision details so that each participant can include comments and validate the information, attachment of various file formats (pdf, csv, doc, etc.), breakdown the meeting into action plans, employee time tracking and more.

new corporate meetings

How does SoftExpert Meeting works?

SoftExpert Meeting is a component of the SoftExpert Suite, a platform for management excellence, process improvement and regulatory compliance. This new solution can be integrated with other components of the SoftExpert Suite which will help seamlessly organize meetings. Integration takes advantage of other automations available on the platform, such as alerts, email notifications, content awareness and monitoring dashboard.

It works like a Global Calendar encompassing all departments, teams, managers and employees in the organization. This means that activities, responsibilities and tasks are centralized in one place.
You can also link projects to track employee hours.

What are the advantages of SoftExpert Meeting?

One great advantage is that the solution helps in conducting focused corporate meetings. This lets managers plan the topics that need to be discussed and also determine the duration of each one. While the meeting is happening, participants can include decisions and interrupt the meeting with scheduled breaks. In this process, documents and files can be attached guaranteeing data security, with only attendees able to view the information.

Another advantage is that meeting decisions can be turned into action plans. For each action you can define deadlines and accountability. At the end, attendees receive notifications and alerts about the decisions made so they can evaluate and digitally sign the meeting.

The system also forwards activities so that those involved in the action plan can perform them.

Find out more about SoftExpert Meeting

Jean Briesemeister

Jean Briesemeister

Product Owner da solução de PPM na SoftExpert, com mais de 12 anos de experiência na área. Graduado em sistemas de informação com MBA em Gestão de Projetos pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas.

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