5 crucial tactics to improve risk analysis

5 crucial tactics to improve risk analysis

Publié dans 3 de February de 2020

Risk Analysis is a proven way to foresee and prevent events that can negatively impact businesses or projects. It helps companies decide on and measure their strategies, regarding whether or not actions executed pose a risk to company goals. By understanding these scenarios, your team can find better ways to minimize impacts and recover quickly if any incident occurs.

Risks vary from business to business, but usually every company goes through similar processes to deal with them. In this article you’ll learn the best tactics to create and manage risk analysis, but first let’s understand the basics.


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What is risk analysis?

Risk Analysis is closely related to identification of threats. Its purpose is to clarify all risk scenarios, with probabilities and impacts. It is essential for a company to be aware of all issues that could impact its objectives. This includes costs, ethics, and people’s safety.


How to use risk analysis

Corporations need to run through some common steps to use risk analysis. For starters, the company must identify and map all possible threats. These can be:

  • Procedural –Accountability issues, internal systems or controls.
  • Operational – Loss of supplies, assets and access or execution failures.
  • Structural – Dangerous areas, poor lighting, worn boxes or equipment.
  • Project – Budget threshold, key task execution or issues related to deadlines.
  • Financial – Investment failures, market fluctuations or lack of funding.
  • Human – Illness and injury situations or scenarios.
  • Natural – Weather issues, natural disasters, or disease.
  • Reputational – Loss of customer, employee or market trust.
  • Political – Changes in tax, public opinion and government policy.


Keep in mind that using different approaches can be used to carry out new risk analyses. Build an evolving list like the one above to encompass new threats. Think about vulnerable spots that connect systems, processes, or structures. Ask others for their opinions to get different perspectives and also consult market practices.

You can work on multiple analysis frameworks such as SWOT Analysis and Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, which will allow you to be able to more clearly foresee threats.

5 Crucial tactics to improve risk analysis

1  Develop recovery tactics

The organization should go further with its planning to develop strategies that predict incidents and crises so that it is capable of recovering after a hit. These tactics must show a clear understanding of your business’ ability to recovery. It must reflect business needs for continued operation at minimum requirements. Here are some ideas:

  • Establish prioritization standards
  • Organize a recovery team
  • Communicate teams’ roles in the recovery process
  • Hold courses to avoid losing essential skills or knowledge
  • Ensure manual procedures in case of damaged machinery
  • Execute recurring training for hazardous issues
  • Create an emergency kit that includes important recovery information
  • Time your recovery
  • Maintain maximum communication
  • Save money for cash flow emergencies
  • Build backup or alternative procedures


2 Recurring financial downturns

Businesses are constantly exposed to economic downturns and these issues will impact the company’s trading capabilities, thus affecting its sales activities. Prepare an economic monitoring system to understand how market changes may affect you. This will give you the information to plan for financial risks. Manage your company’s cash flow. Control debtors and creditors by assessing your receivables, inventory and expenses.

3 Risk aware culture

When negative events occur, most employees seek others to blame rather than learning from mistakes and building improvement initiatives. Moreover, managers don’t clearly communicate regarding known risk situations. Actively execute transparent communication regarding acceptable behaviors in risk scenarios. The company should initiate discussions about internal controls that are important to stakeholders.

4 Integrate reports

Departments receive periodic reports from multiple performance indicators, issues, and trends. Consequently, the board is left with no clear understanding of the company’s environment since separate, unconnected sources may contradict one another. The board must manage the company through integrated reports, building strategies with a broad and shared view of business risks. It’s important to build and monitor a risk framework based on integrated indexes that impact each other’s performance.

5 Rethink risk processes

To encompass uncertainties related to business goals, managers must look towards risks analysis more subjectively and at broadly transforming “ends” into “means.” The correlations between multiple risk issues are hard to define. Data is often missing or limited, resulting in uncertain opinions of false actions and tactics.

These often trickle down to personal preferences, knowledge or experiences to show probable paths, but tactics shouldn’t be vaguely one-sided. Trained organizations can handle incidents, but can they keep up with continuous improvement cycles? Proactive collaboration should connect managers with recurring improvement processes, creating a thinkable framework suited to its purpose.

Raphael Gonçalves Arias

Raphael Gonçalves Arias

Analista de Marketing de Produto da SoftExpert, Raphael Arias tem mais de 8 anos de experiência na indústria de TI. Atuou com consultoria e implantação de soluções SaaS em empresas do setor de logística e gerenciamento de riscos. É graduado em Sistemas de Informação e possui MBA em Marketing.

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