Développement Humain

Avaliação de eficácia de treinamentos

L’efficacité de la formation : l’importance pour le SM

L'évaluation de l'efficacité de la formation est extrêmement importante pour atteindre la qualité des processus et les objectifs de l'organisation.

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New solution to external users training programs

New Update of the SoftExpert Suite allows you to share courses and training for external users more safely and with Quality!

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New feature in SoftExpert Training: Segmented evaluation

Don't wait until the end of the training to evaluate acquired knowledge. Now you can carry out tests during the execution of the training course.

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Strategies to eliminate gaps in competency management

The fast pace of technological change haunts organizations by creating gaps in competency management across all industries. Companies cultivate competencies over time, but new demands emerge, mixing up the equation of skills and knowledge. This results in gaps that confuse managers and employees. Do I have the necessary competencies? Do I need to learn new … <a href="https://blog-cms.softexpert.com:8080/fr/strategies-to-competency-management/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Strategies to eliminate gaps in competency management"</span></a>

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How to identify new leaders in your company

Read this article and learn how to identify new leaders, who will be responsible for the future success and business growth of your company.

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How to identify talents with competency management

How to identify talents? Those a company needs may already be in the company. Learn how to identify them with competency management.

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7 advantages of corporate e-Learning for development of talent

The human factor is a major competitive differential. Learn about the advantages of corporate e-Learning for developing talent.

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Evaluate training results with SE Suite

Evaluating the participants’ learning and reactions is fundamental to understanding what the participants are learning, and to allow for constant evolution in the quality of the training undertaken.

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SE Training: A new way to train your collaborators

With just a single tool you can create, apply and measure the results of courses and training, from beginning to end of the process.

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The 5 key actions for managers for training teams

Many managers don't treat human capital as an asset, but only as a cost. Here are 5 actions that can help improve your team's training.

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How to retain talent, keep customers satisfied and stand out in the market

Learn how training initiatives can help your company retain talent, keep customers satisfied and make your company stand out in the market!

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La solution corporative la plus complète pour la gestion intégrée de l’excellence et de la conformité en entreprise