Teams working from home: how to improve productivity

Teams working from home: how to improve productivity

Publié dans 24 de Août de 2020

While some businesses digitally drown others are using process automation to improve productivity of teams working from home. The uncertainties caught most companies off guard and forced employees to work from home to keep business going. This also burst processes and technologies to new levels of outcomes and results. In short, remote working is undoubtedly the new normal, but how can you further improve after modeling business to people work from home?

After remote models of work are implemented, new challenges related to personnel efficiency and task management arise, overloading the system as a whole. So, in this post we’ll show you some practical ways to optimize daily workflows.

examples of automations for people working from home

Examples of process automation for teams working from home:

  • Integrate and organize remote processes,
  • Follow-up notifications and alerts
  • Data sharing and allocation
  • Quick execution of activities
  • Decision-making features
  • Operational records
  • Reduce workload
  • Adittional data

Integrate and organize remote processes

Once the activities of your teams working from home have been digitally integrated, automation is inevitable. Tasks can be seamlessly assigned back and forth between teams. Most daily routing is required to be executed through automated workflows, so that managers can focus on process improvement issues.

Follow up notifications and alerts

Anything that can anticipate good performance is always a plus, no matter the activity. Programming automated processes to forward information to the right person at the right time is essential to reduce risks and uncertainties, such as confirming an online meeting.

Data sharing and allocation

Every company has to stay up to date with changes in data. Sharing creates transparency across data management. Imagine a company absorbing the knowledge on where to find information. This takes the burden off of people having to tell others where things are.

Quick execution of activities

All those “little things” that you need to do every day can turn into a problem bubble. Automating routine activities (such as checklists and e-mailing interested parties’) can free up valuable time so you can focus on things that add value to yourself and company.

Decision-making features

Creating automated-decision making can lead to more consistent and less risky operations. Allowing automation to carry out regular quality assurance checks (or decisions) ensures that activities are being treated equally. With the amount of processes being executed daily, automations guarantee good practices are being met constantly.

Operational records

Corporations are regularly audited regarding data retention issues. Retaining information is crucial for operational and regulatory compliance needs. Automated data retention ensures that people can go back to assess actions and obtain better understandings for further improvements.

Reduce workload

Workload automation handles repetitive tasks, freeing up employees to execute more value-added activities. Not only that but automation can also optimize assignment of tasks to idle employees, optimizing the time of teams working from home.

Additional data

Process automation reinforces good practices. One good example is enhancement of remote work data for decision-making. Configure features to show additional data or available options, detailing possible outcomes. This can help employees execute activities more safely and with fewer errors.

Checklist to implement automation in routines used by teams working from home:

  1. Get a software that manages and integrate process in a single workplace, encompassing every crucial corporate processes.
  2. Identify and list all of the processes that keep your business running.
  3. Create flowcharts with all activities and subtasks.
  4. Evaluate your system and find bottlenecks.
  5. Assign department and process ownership.
  6. Put deadlines on crucial activities.
  7. Set reminders and follow-ups.
  8. Create an end-project checklist.
  9. Develop Program assessments.
  10. Redesign your reports.

Here are some examples of how process automation can speed up your workflow:

Automated response emails

Workflow process of teams working from home

In the example above, we can see how the activity of notifying a customer can be executed through an automated system using data from different steps in the workflow. This means that an employee working from home can focus on just important activities. Process automation improves remote work when it comes to writing emails or fetching all of the data and information related to a specific complaint, for instance.


digital form example for teams working from home

Here you can see how automation can fill in fields quickly and also ensure the right data is in place. Teams can put simple data in predetermined places and process automation does the rest.


Any corporate automation will add up in terms of time saved and productivity for teams working from home. If you save 1 minute per day per employee, your business can scale exponentially throughout the year. That means spending more time on value-added activities and fewer execution errors.

Raphael Gonçalves Arias

Raphael Gonçalves Arias

Product Marketing Analyst at SoftExpert, Raphael Arias has more than 8 years of experience in IT industry. He worked in consulting and implementation of SaaS solutions in logistics and risk management companies. Is graduated in Information Technology and MBA in Marketing.

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