- What is Low Touch Economy
- Low Touch Strategies
- Identify Low Touch activities
- Remote process automations
- Low Touch Indicators
- Low Touch Benefits
What is Low Touch Economy
What the Low Touch Economy is: The Low Touch Economy model is normally applied in sales, service and customer success activities. It is defined by the low level of interaction between people in corporate systems. Its applicability varies widely, from sales processes operated through software, to technical support via chat. The replacement of repetitive manual tasks with automated procedures is the main pillar of this model. The Low Touch Economy minimizes or even eliminates the interaction between people, improving the experience of customers and employees.
Low Touch Strategies
To ensure efficiency in planning Low Touch operations and to reduce the risk of errors during their execution, it is important to define a specialist. They will be responsible for creating a specialized team, defining strategies through intelligent software for managing and monitoring actions. In this planning phase of Low Touch automation, it is important to:- Identify and automate common and routine activities
- Map and group interdependent activities
- Optimize existing automations to improve efficiency
- Create a real-time analysis dashboard
- Define the main indicators and their failure limits
- Extend the digital interface to more users
Identify Low Touch processes
It is important to identify common tasks and thus define the scope of the implementation. This sounds simple, but it can be quite complicated to understand all the policies, rules and regulations involved. For this reason, priority should be given identifying the tasks that are performed most frequently and can be performed remotely. This may include:- Content allocation and updating
- Information sharing and access control
- Data protection policies
- Current rules and regulations
Low Touch Indicators
Use software to filter only remote indicators. This way you can get a sense of how remote processes are behaving. Identify resources that can be reallocated to improve customer experiences. Find out where downtime negatively affects business. Viewing Low Touch indicators is crucial to developing automations that help to streamline the data flow. Although an interface that has analytical views is good, having a robust solution that integrates multiple data sources and helps to plan and execute remote process management is the most ideal.
Benefits of Low Touch Economy
The development of a Low Touch strategy inevitably depends on software that allows intelligent automation. Thus, resources, activities and data can be managed in a practical and comprehensive way. In addition, remote teams can gain more insight into:
- Demand forecasting
- Customer experiences
- Return on investment
- Schedule of activities
- Innovations and improvements
To obtain the benefits of a Low Touch model, the software used must be customizable and support integration with third party tools. It is also important that the software has automations that are smart enough to make decisions about which features to use for the best possible result. Automations that run only binary options can result in bottlenecks and poor customer experience. It is essential to optimize a remote corporate operation with automation, generating added value for employees and processes. Consequently, customers perceive optimizations indirectly, and give more value to companies that serve them with integrated, automated and intelligent processes.