Quality audits: how to do it in 4 simple and effective steps

Quality audits: how to do it in 4 simple and effective steps

Published in August 6th, 2024

Quality audits provide mechanisms to assess the efficiency of the business by analyzing the effectiveness of governance, risk management, and internal controls. In this way, they help organizations that want to stay compliant grow and thrive.

Although quality audits focus on processes and products, they help managers identify whether the strategies applied are bringing results.

In case of deviations, audits help identify their causes and support the necessary corrective actions. Therefore, it is essential to conduct an audit correctly to evidence the compliance of the QMS to the market and customers.

What are quality audits

Quality audits are periodic and independent evaluations carried out within a company. They can be done internally (by the company itself) or externally (by another company/entity specialized in this).

An audit aims to verify that quality management practices are being implemented and put into practice according to established standards and requirements. These standards can be both internal and external, created by regulatory agencies or quality control entities (such as ISO, for example).

In this way, an audit has the potential to ensure that the organization follows the established quality criteria. In addition, the practice allows you to identify points for improvement and to keep you up to date on the latest regulations and applicable standards.

In practice, quality audits examine several aspects, among the main ones:

  • The company’s level of compliance with norms and standards;
  • The efficiency of quality control processes (in various sectors of the company);
  • How is the documentation of processes and results done, and what is the level of efficiency of this;
  • What are the mechanisms for identifying non-conformities;
  • What are the actions for correcting and preventing compliance.

See more: how to prepare for an ISO audit

Why do a quality audit and what are its benefits?

The integration between auditing and compliance is essential for companies that seek not only to optimize their operations, but also to stand out in the market. After all, being in line with good industry practices shows your customers that you care about the quality of your products/services.

With the recurring practice of quality audits, you add the following benefits to your company:

  • Adherence to conformities and achievement of renowned certificates (such as ISO);
  • Process improvement and increased operational efficiency;
  • Compliance with mandatory industry regulations and standards;
  • Identification and rapid correction of non-conformities to minimize negative impacts;
  • Increased customer satisfaction;
  • Strengthening your company’s credibility in the market.

In other words: conducting quality audits frequently is essential for your company to achieve and maintain the best quality standards. This drives operational efficiency and facilitates continuous improvement of activities.

4 Steps to Conduct Quality Audits Successfully

Even though it is so important, it is still common for questions to arise about how to put a quality audit routine into practice. Whether due to lack of time, lack of staff availability, or even lack of knowledge of the best tools, this is often a major challenge in the Compliance sector.

So that this does not happen to you, we have prepared a step-by-step guide with four tips on how to do a successful quality audit. Check it out below!

  1. Planning

The actions taken before the audit is carried out are decisive for the success of the activities. Planning begins with the preparation of an action plan, which will guide the execution of the audit.

It should present all activities on a timeline, in addition to the scope of the project. Include their respective processes, departments involved, or products/areas that will be audited.

At this stage, it is also important for the auditor to identify all related documentation, such as quality policies or procedures. Still at this point, you can make a preliminary list of the people who will be interviewed.

  1. Preparation

This is when auditors will be able to learn a little more about the  company’s Quality Management System (QMS), analyzing the system’s documentation more deeply.

It is important that each member of the audit team is prepared for the activity, with access to the verification checklist created in the previous step.

This is essential to guide the auditor so as not to forget any detail to be evaluated, as well as to record the findings and observations that arise during the process.

  1. Implementation

The execution of audits takes place through the collection of information. They determine whether the department in question is following established quality control standards and procedures.

At this stage, the auditor interviews people, asking questions and taking note of the findings. According to what is found, audit plans and checklists may have their scope changed, even generating a deeper evaluation.

It is at this point that non-conformities will be recorded, that is, situations that occurred in disagreement with the standardized processes and procedures.

  1. Closure and Follow-up

After the audit execution is complete, the “real” work begins. The team of auditors meets to review problem areas and to determine recommendations aimed at correcting quality issues. This information will make up the Audit Results report.

This report is an important input for the strategic meetings held by the leaders. It helps to evaluate the results and define how to implement the improvement actions suggested by the team of auditors. In other words: it is the basis of all the correction work that follows quality audits.

Learn more: How to prepare an internal audit report

Conclusion and extra tip: use technology to do internal audits

At this point, there is certainly no doubt: performing quality audits will make all the difference in your operation. By following our four steps, you will reap all the fruits of this practice, optimizing your operation and ensuring the quality of products/services.

To make this practice easier and safer, you can count on technology. By using a compliance management system, your company automates activities, data collection, and other processes related to audits – including being compliant with standards such as ISO 9000 and ISO 19011.

Our experts can help you identify the best strategies for your company with SoftExpert solutions. Talk to us today!

About the author
Marcelo Becher

Marcelo Becher

Specialist in Strategic Management from PUC-PR. Business and market analyst at SoftExpert, a software provider for enterprise-wide business processes automation, improvement, compliance management and corporate governance.

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