5 reasons to get ISO 9001 certification

5 reasons to get ISO 9001 certification

Publié dans 21 de Novembre de 2016

ISO 9001 certification assists organizations in achieving the level of excellence in their products, services and internal processes.

Implementing Corporate Quality Management programs helps organizations identify weaknesses, strengths, faults and opportunities for improvement. Through ISO 9001, each company can define and adjust its standards, with a view to delivering greater value to its customers. Although the approach varies from company to company, the goals remain the same: create quality products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations. A company that dedicates itself to quality will certainly have an advantage over a competitor who does not view quality as a priority.

5 reasons to get ISO 9001 certification:

Reason 1: Improve product performance

ISO 9001 certification helps to improve a company’s products. Key aspects of product quality management begin with performance, reliability and durability. To meet the requirements of the standard, manufactured products undergo tests. The purpose is to verify that they comply with the stated specifications and characteristics. This allows the company to implement changes in problem points or improve the strong points of the product.

Reason 2: Boost customer satisfaction

By delivering a quality product, companies are able to gain recognition and ensure customer satisfaction. Many companies conduct satisfaction surveys to understand which product features their customers consider important. Other companies go further, conducting market studies. This allows one to fully understand the motives that often lead people to seek out the competition. This information can be transformed into improvement actions, helping the company create the products and services that their customers really want.

Reason 3: Reduce costs

The approach to quality through ISO 9001 also helps in reducing costs. Many companies that work with manufacturing, for example, incur high costs with the storage, management and tracking of raw materials. In the end, these costs are added to the price of the product and passed on to the customer. By implementing actions for supply chain management, the company can reduce raw material stocks, cutting costs and reducing the need for storage spaces. Keeping in stock only the amount of raw material needed to meet production needs helps reduce costs and improve profitability.

Reason 4: Improve productivity

Taking advantage of opportunities for improvement becomes a matter of course with ISO 9001 certification. With this approach, it is possible to improve existing processes and also eliminate unnecessary activities. Quality management programs also encourage collaboration by establishing multidisciplinary teams to work on process improvement. The Balanced Scorecard methodology, for example, is used by many companies to assess whether the results achieved are in line with expectations, showing whether the company needs to rationalize or restructure its processes. Well-defined routines and skilled people raise productivity rates, driving business growth.

Reason 5: Increase revenue

Increasingly, quality certification is becoming an essential requirement for getting new business. In companies that operate according to world quality standards, employees perform their activities more efficiently, the products and services have higher quality and the company has lower costs with waste and rework.

In this way, it is possible to recover investments made in improving products and services, improving final results and increasing revenue.

Marcelo Becher

Marcelo Becher

Spécialiste en gestion stratégique par PUC-PR. Business et analyste de marché chez SoftExpert, un fournisseur de logiciels et de services pour l’automatisation et l’amélioration des processus d’affaires, la conformité réglementaire et la gouvernance d’entreprise.

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