Automate the measurement of your performance indicators by connecting the data sources directly to your viewing portals.

It’s much simpler to manage corporate performance with the help of portals and graphs containing performance indicators, isn’t it? But if the information in them is not up to date or is wrong, the fancy graphics are useless. So what can be done to prevent this from happening?

In this case, the flow of information, from its source to the portals and graphs, is very important. Reporting dozens of performance indicators manually, for example, is a non-productive task and prone to error.

For this reason, SE Performance contains ways to automate the process of entering targets and measurements. You can get your information through direct integrations with external databases (ERP, CRM, Service Desk etc.) or import data sheets, as can be seen in the following diagram:

Integração SE Performance

An analysis created in SE Analytics, connected to an external database, can be used to feed several performance indicators through the creation of different views for analysis. In this way, the data can be filtered and prepared for use by SE Performance.

These values, before being used by the indicators, can be manipulated with the use of mathematical formulas and functions in SE Performance formula editor, translating the imported data into relevant information for the user.


Another form of integration is through the importing of spreadsheets, which allows for the automation and validation of large batches of information in a simple and quick way.

Dashboard de indicadores

All of these processes can be scheduled within the system to run periodically. This way, when you access your portal in the morning, your indicators will already be updated with the most recent data, with no errors, and ready to be analyzed.

Marlon Quandt


Marlon Quandt

Product Owner das soluções de CPM na SoftExpert. Graduado em Sistemas de Informação pela UDESC.

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