Read this article and learn more about SE Requirement, the new SE Suite tool for Compliance and Regulatory Change Management.

Regulatory changes are occurring at an increasingly rapid pace. Dealing with the growing volume of new requirements has become a major challenge.

What about your company? Are you able to easily comply with the new regulatory requirements that keep appearing? Learn how SoftExpert Requirement can help you with this task.

Complying with different legislations, ensuring that processes are in line with standards and meeting tax and accounting obligations are just some of the regulatory demands that organizations need to address. A small mistake is enough to tarnish a company’s reputation or even result in lawsuits, penalties and fines.

With the objective of ensuring a balance between all these variables, the concept of compliance emerged. It involves all the efforts of an organization to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations that apply to their business.

To facilitate the management of all these demands, SoftExpert has released SoftExpert Requirement. This new component is now part of the SoftExpert Excellence Suite. It helps organizations to comply in a manner consistent with the determinations of regulatory agencies and with the standards applicable to the business area of the company.

The solution automates the main phases of Regulatory Change Management, such as:

1. Identification

Identification of the norms and regulations that the organization must meet. This is normally an activity carried out in conjunction with the legal area of the organization.

2. Analysis

Analysis of regulations, including their application and potential impacts. Survey of affected areas and the executives responsible for managing requirements.

3. Implementation

Impact assessment, gap analysis, action planning and the effective implementation of a management plan.

4. Validation

In this phase, actions, procedure controls, internal audits and program maintenance are monitored.

SoftExpert Requirement makes the work of managers and supervisors easier, allowing them to:

  • Manage regulatory documents;
  • Manage changes and the impacts of standards and regulations;
  • Establish a link between regulatory requirements and business processes and compliance areas;
  • Link Audits, Risks, Controls, Processes, Documents and other SE Suite components;
  • Provide flexibility in the creation of the Audit Universe.

SE Suite’s SoftExpert Requirement component is a powerful management tool that helps companies adopt compliance programs, which, in turn, contribute to credibility with customers and investors, increase efficiency of the quality of products and improve corporate governance.

Learn about SoftExpert Requirement

Thober Detofeno


Thober Detofeno

Mestre em Métodos Numéricos pela UFPR, professor de ensino superior na UDESC e Product Owner das soluções de gestão de riscos na SoftExpert.

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