Edit and revise SE Suite documents using Google Docs

Edit and revise SE Suite documents using Google Docs

Publié dans 9 de October de 2017

SE Suite 2.0.9 now integrates with Google Docs. But what does that mean for SoftExpert’s Excellence Suite users?

Editing and revising documents stored in SE Document has become even easier and more collaborative. Now, you can take full advantage of a document management system with the benefits of Google’s text editing tool.

With the integration, the file is opened through the user’s web browser, in Google’s text editor. There, the user can enjoy all of the editing and collaboration features of the tool, without the need of JAVA.

Integration with Google Docs allows for collaborative editing of documents, where multiple users can edit the same file, without one user overwriting the other. Changes are viewed in real-time by all users who have access to the document.

In addition, users responsible for revising and approving the documents can add comments to the file so the user that drafted the document knows what changes to make. Upon completion of the revision, the files are again stored in SE Document, under all the security features configured in the system.

It’s the agility and collaboration of Google Docs, coupled with the security and controls of SE Suite.


Everaldo Mafra

Everaldo Mafra

Product Owner da solução ECM na SoftExpert, com mais de 18 anos de experiência na área. Pós graduado em Gestão de projetos pelo Sustentare.

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