La calibration est le processus de configuration d’un instrument pour qu’il fournisse un résultat d’échantillon dans une plage acceptable. Il s’agit d’une comparaison entre une mesure connue (le standard) et la mesure capturée avec votre instrument. Normalement, la précision du standard doit être dix fois supérieure à la précision de l’appareil de mesure testé. Cependant, … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Calibration et vérification : qu’est-ce que c’est et quelle est leur importance pour la gestion de la qualité"</span></a>
SoftExpert Suite's CMDB gives you a clear view of the relationship between assets and business processes. Learn more about this new resource!
Choosing the right Enterprise Asset Management solution can be intimidating! Here are some important features to help you in the evaluation process.
Now you can perform asset inventories on your smartphone. Read this article and learn more about this new SoftExpert Suite feature.
What is the most important data in your organization? Does your risk management strategy take into account loss of data?
Do I even need to say that a good asset strategy must reduce asset costs and increase asset productivity? Accurately managing asset inventories, maintenance, calibrations and performance along with keeping a detailed history of costs are some of the critical aspects of a successful asset strategy. To be successful, your asset management strategy has to be built … <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "5 Pillars of a Successful Asset Management Strategy"</span></a>
Now SE Suite lets you save time by executing maintenance activities with mobile devices. Read this article and discover the new resource!
When planning activities that need to be executed, a number of questions often come to mind for the manager. Understand how to answer them.
Predictive maintenance is a valuable practice for building a complete maintenance management program for industrial plants. Learn about the benefits!
Choosing the right ITSM solution has become an increasingly difficult and confusing task.
Asset management helps organizations extract greater value from their assets. Learn about other benefits for your company with this initiative.
Facilitate IT asset management with relevant information that help in decision making using SE Asset, the Asset Management solution.