SoftExpert Asset has been improved to make it even easier to manage your physical asset inventory structure. The new version is available as of version 2.0.13 and aims to ensure the synchronization of physical assets with the system data.
Now you define the locations to be inventoried, based on the location and condition of the asset, and to collate the system records with the physical structure.
The inventory can be performed by reading a QR code or bar code on the asset. This way, the activity can be performed quicker and the data is updated in real time, eliminating inconsistencies in the process.
To perform the inventory, you just need to install the SoftExpert App on your Android device. This does not require the use of special equipment or support spreadsheets.
How to perform an asset inventory in 3 simple steps:
1. Planning:
The whole inventory process starts with planning. Answering the questions below will help you in this step:
- What is the deadline for performing the inventory?
- Which team will be responsible for performing the inventory?
- Who will conduct the meeting and approval of the inventory?
- What asset classes will be inventoried?
- Which locations will be inventoried?

2. Perform the Inventory:
Perform the inventory on your smartphone by reading the bar code or QR code. The user will need to have access to the assets to be inventoried to confirm information such as:
- Location
- Condition
- Situation of the asset
If necessary, this activity can also be performed on a desktop computer.

3. Approval and analysis:
Finally, the information identified should be analyzed:
- What assets were found?
- What assets have changed?
- Are there assets that were found that were not foreseen?
- Are there assets that were not found?
After the inventory approval, the modified data will be updated in SoftExpert Asset.

So what are you waiting for? Download SoftExpert App now and improve the robustness of your asset management process!