Gouvernance d'entreprise


Gestion de crise : pourquoi est-ce important et comment le faire

A Crisis Management Plan (CMP) is a document that describes the processes for responding to a critical situation.

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Sur site vs cloud : quelle est la différence et comment choisir

Sur site vs cloud : quelle est la différence et comment choisir

La grande différence entre sur site et cloud est l’endroit où sont stockées vos données ou le logiciel que vous utilisez. Dans un modèle sur site, les informations sont stockées dans une infrastructure physique située dans un bâtiment de l’organisation elle-même. En revanche, dans le modèle cloud, vos données ou logiciels sont stockés sur les … <a href="https://blog-cms.softexpert.com:8080/fr/sur-site-vs-cloud/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Sur site vs cloud : quelle est la différence et comment choisir"</span></a>

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ESG : le nouveau paradigme de l’entreprise – Le rapport sur le développement durable

Dans une série d'articles, SoftExpert explique tout ce que vous devez savoir sur l'ESG. Aujourd'hui, nous allons parler du rapport sur le développement durable.

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The role of risk management and internal audits in corporate governance

How risk management and internal audits can be effectively used to strengthen the governance structures of the financial services sector.

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ESG : le nouveau paradigme de l’entreprise – Timeline

Dans une série d’articles, SoftExpert explique tout ce que vous devez savoir sur l’ESG. Préparez-vous à plonger dans ce thème!

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Loss events – an important knowledge base

No company wants failures to occur in their operations, but even with all the preventive measures, failures occur from time to time and often have serious financial consequences. You have to know how to manage the failures and losses that occur. Routine administrative tasks, such as gathering loss data across different business areas, documenting exceptions, … <a href="https://blog-cms.softexpert.com:8080/fr/loss-events/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Loss events – an important knowledge base"</span></a>

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The role of ECM in ensuring regulatory compliance

Read this article and discover why Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is essential to ensuring compliance.

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Understanding the main changes in the new COSO ERM framework

Understand the main changes in the new COSO ERM framework and how it integrates with other areas of your organization. Read it now!

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Infographic – GRC Maturity Survey

Infographic presenting data on GRC maturity in organizations.

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Simplifying the process for choosing GRC Software

Choosing GRC software is not an easy task. Read this post to get a few tips on how to make the choice easier.

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ISO 31000 vs. COSO: Find out more about the similarities and differences

Read this article to learn about the main similarities and differences between ISO 31000 and COSO, the best known risk management standards!

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5 critical factors for an effective Control Self-Assessment (CSA) program

An effective approach to assessing governance processes, risks and controls using the Control Self-Assessment (CSA).

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How to improve execution and tests of internal control

The traditional approach to testing internal control offers few opportunities to add value. See how to improve and innovate in this area.

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How SoftExpert can help your company with Compliance and Regulatory Change Management?

Read this article and learn more about SE Requirement, the new SE Suite tool for Compliance and Regulatory Change Management.

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What you need to know about ISO 37001

Read this article and learn how ISO 37001 can help your company prevent bribery and avoid corruption.

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The principles of good corporate governance

In the end, what is good corporate governance? Learn about the principles that are the starting point for companies seeking good governance.

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Demystifying Corporate Governance for SMEs

Can only large organizations benefit from a corporate governance process? Read this article and find out.

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How big is your umbrella?

When we think of management systems, we immediately think of international standards, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. How can we manage all of them?

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6 key tools for excellence in GRC

GRC, which stands for Governance, Risk and Compliance, is a concept that aims to promote excellence in corporate governance in an integrated manner.

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