A Crisis Management Plan (CMP) is a document that describes the processes for responding to a critical situation.
An important first step in the problem solving process is knowing how to describe a problem so that everyone understands it and collaborates in solving it.
Etre à la hauteur de vos tâches et engagements est essentiel, n’est-ce pas? Et l’un des meilleurs moyens d’y parvenir est de faire du pointage une habitude parmi les équipes. L’importance de la culture du chronométrage L’absence d’informations ou de données incorrectes entraîne des erreurs d’analyse, du gaspillage, des prises de décision inexactes et peut … <a href="https://blog-cms.softexpert.com:8080/fr/les-nouvelles-integrations-pointage-dheure/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Découvrez les nouvelles intégrations pour Le Pointage d’heure dans SoftExpert Suite"</span></a>
La méthode Lean Process Improvement est une méthodologie d’amélioration continue axée sur la gestion et l’amélioration des processus de l’entreprise. Lean met l’accent sur la prévention des déchets (temps, main-d’œuvre et intrants) dans la production de produits et/ou de services qui n’ajoutent pas de valeur.
Il est un fait que de nombreuses entreprises ne gèrent pas les incidents et les problèmes de peur d’être un processus difficile et compliqué, ou même simplement pour ne pas connaître la différence entre l’incident et le problème. En fait, la gestion des incidents et des problèmes peut être assez simple, surtout lorsque des outils … <a href="https://blog-cms.softexpert.com:8080/fr/diffrrence-incident-probleme/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "La différence entre les incidents et les problèmes et leur gestion"</span></a>
Quelles sont les différences et les connexions entre COBIT et ITIL ? C’est une question qui ocupe la tête de beaucoup, n’est-ce pas? Cet article cherche à aider et effacer ce doute et éclaircir les choses pour vous.
Using a knowledge base is an ideal way to handle simple and high-volume interactions. See why it is important for your business.
Why is implementing a management system such a challenging task? Learn more about the 9 common mistakes companies make when implementing management systems.
Read this article to learn more about the SoftExpert Knowledge Base, the latest SoftExpert Suite component with quick answers to common questions.
Find out more about strategies to speed up response time in service level agreements - SLAs. Click and read the article now!
SoftExpert Suite's CMDB gives you a clear view of the relationship between assets and business processes. Learn more about this new resource!
The benefits of having different levels of ITIL® certified professionals working within the IT department of your organization are endless, but, how does your company prove it’s been working within ITIL® guidelines since certifications are only available for individuals?
Choosing the right ITSM solution has become an increasingly difficult and confusing task.
Learn how to resolve service desk requests faster. SoftExpert help you to optimizie the Service Desk and increase user satisfaction.
Define and automate all the parameters of a good SLA (Service Level Agreement) simply and quickly.
What is the difference between governance and IT management?
The successful transition to a new management tool does not just depend on the supplier. It depends on you. These steps will help you in this task.
Facilitate IT asset management with relevant information that help in decision making using SE Asset, the Asset Management solution.
Change Management is the area that aims to ensure that transition initiatives are successful and do not negatively impact business. Organizations throughout the world are constantly adapting in order to support their strategic plans, meet regulatory requirements, operational demands or shareholder interests. These changes are always accompanied by obstacles. In some situations, inadequate planning and management … <a href="https://blog-cms.softexpert.com:8080/fr/7-strategies-for-successful-change-management/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "7 strategies for successful change management"</span></a>
The IT services catalog is one of the first instruments employed in ITIL good practices adherence projects. IT services management.