New SoftExpert Suite Portals: Faster, easier, and your way

New SoftExpert Suite Portals: Faster, easier, and your way

Publié dans 28 de Mars de 2019

Data is the new language on the market, is not it? And to engage in this new business profile requires more than collecting and managing data. You must have the ability to interpret them fluently.

SoftExpert wants to expand its potential to read, work, analyze and discuss data. That’s why we have improved the creation and visualization of data in the SoftExpert Suite portals.

Flexible and responsive Layout:

SoftExpert Suite portals have gained a new layout and are fully flexible and redesigned to give you more freedom to build your data visualizations.

New SoftExpert portals

That way, you can meet the specific needs of your organization by putting decisive information in your hands, increasing the ability to make fast, accurate and critical decisions for your company’s success.

Widgets, Reviews and Visions all in one place:

 Data is the basis of your business. SoftExpert Suite Portals now have a new menu that makes information more accessible.

SoftExpert Corporate Portal

Here you will find the necessary Analyzes, Matrices, Visions and Widgets to create high-level dashboards and share insights in an easy and simple way, saving time and increasing the efficiency of your team.

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Gustav Dallmann Junior

Gustav Dallmann Junior

Especialista em Qualidade de Software pela Uniasselvi/SC. Product Owner das soluções de Portais, Contador de pendências e Notificações na SoftExpert, fornecedora de softwares e serviços para automação e aprimoramento dos processos de negócio, conformidade regulamentar e governança corporativa.

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